Ogni edizione ha visto coinvolte più di 1.500 persone nelle circa 40 sessioni tecniche gratuite per approfondire, con professionisti di alto livello e influenti leader del settore (RedHat, Oracle, AWS, IBM), gli ultimi trend tecnologici, le nuove metodologie di sviluppo e le diverse soluzioni possibili.
Download Innovation IT Festival & Conference è l’evento che, dal 2018, trasforma Bergamo nella città dell’innovazione tecnologica per vivere appieno la trasformazione digitale.
- All
- Agile
- AI Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Cloud
- Data Science
- Development
- DevOps
- Innovation
- IoT
- Languages
- Methodologies
- Microservices
- Open Source
- Security
An introduction to Go
Simone Gotti
Open Source Software Engineer and Architect @ Sorint.lab
A fast introduction to Go to explain why this language as gained great popularity among "cloud" developers and is used by many great projects (kubernetes, docker, stolon etc...). A little introduction on its syntax and features (goroutines, channels, scheduler, blocking async I/O), the stdlib and differences with other languages.
Agola "CI/CD Redefined"
Simone Gotti
Open Source Software Engineer Architect @ Sorint.lab
Agola is our Open Source git based CI/CD platform with advanced features: reproducible and containerized runs, powerful workflows, matrix builds, secrets, multi environment with a single definition, secrets, RBAC, user direct runs, high available and scalable. Integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Gitea and other vcs and runs on kubernetes or docker. Source Project and Features.
Apache Camel K: Bringing Serverless Workloads to the Enterprise
Luca Burgazzoli
Principal Software Engineer Red Hat @ Sorint.lab
Serverless technologies offer a new way to deal with infrastructure in the cloud, with a different approach that affects both technical development and costs. Knative, an open source project started in mid-2018, is emerging as a foundation for adding serverless capabilities on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.
But companies still struggle to find a path for adopting such technologies and integrating them with their existing applications. In this session, I’ll present Apache Camel K, a platform that brings Red Hat Fuse integration capabilities in the serverless world.
Camel K allows Camel domain-specific language (DSL) code to run directly on top of any Knative-powered cluster, using serverless capabilities such as auto-scaling, scaling to zero, and event-based communication—and at the same time, connecting the serverless island with the outside.
Apache Spark what why when
Massimo Schenone
Senior Consultant @ Sorint.lab
"Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing." A parte la definizione del progetto Apache, Spark è una tecnologia che può valere la pena conoscere. Questo seminario esplora i problemi che Spark cerca di indirizzare (batch vs realtime workload), i concetti chiave dietro al framework e le scelte grazie alle quali è così efficiente. La demo di un'applicazione servirà da esempio per arrivare a una conoscenza base dello strumento.
Application Performance Testing & Monitoring
Luigi Savio
Data and Performance Test Engineer @ Sorint.lab
Excursus on the world of application performance seen through the techniques of testing automation and apm, illustrating the importance of this part to provide an indication of the quality of the software in order to bring improvements that can enhance the user experience of the end user.
Automation in Linux environment
Alessio Carmazzi
Senior Pre-Sales Systems Engineer @ Sorint.lab
How many times have we done scripts to avoid repetitive tasks? how much it is was it sometimes necessary to revise configurations in record time on an incredible amount of systems? how many times did we not understand what was not working properly? From these questions came the desire to find the right way to automate, speed up without losing flexibility, the warranty of the operation and simplicity of debugging. We needed something more "smart”, more “agile” and maybe “opensource”…
BaaS in the age of Faas
Tamas Piros
Developer Evangelist, EMEA Cloudinary
During the talk we’ll discuss the history of serverless as well as when and why should it be used. We’ll also show differences between BaaS and FaaS and do the transformation of an example application from locally hosted to be FaaS while still using some BaaS features.
CaasPaas “a closer look”
Alessio Carmazzi
Senior Presales and Solution Architect @ Sorint.lab
You’ve heard of platform as a service (PaaS) ? You’ve heard of containers as a service (CaaS). Are there some differences about approach orchestration to isolate code, which kind of OS are supported for runtimes, how manage application services and what tools have to app lifecycle.
CI/CD automation with Ansible, Web API and a chatbot
Costantina Capobianco
Middleware System Administrator @ Sorint.lab
Are you wondering what Ansible, Web API and a chatbot have to do with each other and with CI/CD? Well, modern automation languages are seeking to face IT challenges, including CI/CD: this is possible through the APIs, that allow integration between different systems, why not a chatbot too? In this session, after an introduction about an Ansible web-based solution, a demo will show an example of how remotely control it through APIs, everything with the help of a special assistant: a chatbot.
Cloud native everything
Alessandro Vozza
Senior Software Engineer Microsoft @ Sorint.lab
Beyond the hype “What exactly is Cloud Native and why it (should) matter to you?” We will look at the evolution of software architectures throughout the past decades and how the basic concepts of cloud native infrastructure and software development came to be; we’ll dig into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation governance and projects.
Cloud mailboxes in different geographic locations
Denis Vilaça Signorelli
Exchange Server & Virtualization System Administrator
How about the possibility to decide where you should move your company’s mail data to different geographies in cloud? Until some days ago it was impossible for who used to have only one tenant, but now there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are going to show you how you can provide data compliance according your business necessity.
Code quality: Make your code stronger
Delia Attila
Java Senior Developer @ Sorint.lab
Many ways and instruments are available to achieve the code high quality assurance goal, one isn’t less important than the other. But why spend time and resources on code quality assurance and how to? Let’s discover it… Let’s discover it…
Containers on AWS: A journey to modern applications
Simone Pomata
Solutions Architect / AWS @ Sorint.lab
Containers provide a standard way to package your application’s code, configurations, and dependencies into a single object. Containers share an operating system installed on the server and run as resource-isolated processes, ensuring quick, reliable, and consistent deployments, regardless of environment. The AWS Cloud offers infrastructure resources optimized for running containers, as well as a set of orchestration services that make it easy for you to build and run containerized applications in production.
Data Analysis with the Elastic stack
Miso Mijatovic
Security DevOps @ Sorint.lab
Elasticsearch è cresciuto molto negli ultimi anni ed è utilizzato come motore di ricerca da un numero sempre maggiore di utenti. In questa sessione tecnica voglio mostrare come può essere utilizzato, insieme agli altri componenti dello stack Elastic, per fare analisi di dati e ricerca.
Death of IAAS: From pet to cattle
Paolo Ranzanici
Cloud Architect @ Sorint.lab
How can we leave VMs in cloud behind without rebuilding our application from scratch? PaaS and other managed services are available now and we can run what we know without refactoring. Also, we can start introducing CI/CD in this architecture. Overview of following steps (containers in microservices and lambda functions) will follow.
Deep Learning Behind The Scenes: how TensorFlow works
Gianluca Gerard
CTO @ Sorint.tek
TensorFlow is the leading open source framework for Deep Learning development and high performance numerical computation. In this workshop we are going to cover the concepts of TensorFlow graphs and sessions to get acquainted with the rather unusual computational paradigm of this library. We also intend to go through a real-life example of a TensorFlow model to understand some of the most commonly used facilities of the framework and to witness its power.
Deep Learning turns seven. Will the King of the North reign on all the seven Kingdoms?
Gianluca Gerard
CTO @ Sorint.tek
On September 30, 2012 AlexNet, a deep Convolutional Neural Network, smashed the competition at the task of recognizing objects in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. Seven years later Deep Neural Networks have conquered the realms of Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, Games Playing and Natural Language Processing. In this tour, we will take a peek at this amazing technology as well as at some of its most remarkable achievements.
Enterprise applications in Angular 6
Fabrizio Rizzi
Frontend Developer @ Sorint.lab
Manuele Dones
Software Engineer @ Sorint.lab
Angular is one of the greatest framework used to create applications for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop. It’s the perfect tool for building enterprise applications since it includes a huge number of features just out-of-the-box. In this workshop we’re going to create a web app, publish and install a reusable library in order to share code and style among a collection of projects.
Functional Programming with JavaScript
Marco Bolis
Java Senior Developer @ Sorint.lab
La Programmazione Funzionale è un paradigma di programmazione molto potente, molto di moda sulla scena internazionale. Fondato su solide basi matematiche, elaborate da eminenti circoli accademici, ha le carte in regola per suonare difficile e terribilmente noioso... in realtà permette di produrre codice testabile, di alta qualità, su cui è facile ragionare. Allora, cosa occorrerà mai per riuscire a districarcisi? Sarai sorpreso di sapere che ti basta un browser. E un editor di testo. E qualcuno che ti spieghi tutti quei bizzarri paroloni accademici. Sei pronto per provare?
Introduction to Blockchain and wallet App design
Federico Gatti
Sergey Bondarenko
Software Engineer
Thanks to the cryptovalues and their success on the market, many experts have identified Blockchain technology as a very high potential that can be applied in many areas. One of the interesting factors is that these contexts can be very heterogeneous and cover different cases of our daily life. This session will present the functioning of the Blockchain technology, explaining its technical functioning and showing the various application aspects developed to date or under development.
Java 10 & Novità: Moduli, performances, docker awareness
Fabrizio Marini
Innovation Solution Architect @ Oracle
Java sta cambiando rapidamente ed in pochi mesi siamo passati dalla versione 8 alla 10 ed a settembre uscirà la 11. Cerchiamo di capire insieme, con poche slide e tanti esempi dal vivo, quale sia la direzione e quali siano le novità introdotte. In particolare vedremo come creare un "microservizio" in Java sfruttando il suo modulo nativo jdk.httpserver, come ottimizzarlo e renderlo modulare ed autoconsistente , come renderlo performante sia nei tempi di avvio che nell'occupazione e consumo di risorse e come inserirlo in un container docker regolando e limitando il consumo delle risorse di CPU e Ram ad esso dedicate. Come ultimo passo vedremo come compilare nativamente la classe (rendendola indipendente dal JRE) su sistemi Linux a 64bit.
Kanban vs kanban: The method behind the boards
Luigi Milione
Architect @ Sorint.lab
Kanban? yes i know … it refers to the boards !! Often, hearing about kanban, the thought immediately runs to the boards, but really they represent an important but only one of the tools used in the implementation of the homonymous methodology of evolutionary, incremental process improvement, respecting the Lean principles: a trip from the car factory to software factory…
Knative, a serverless environment for Kubernetes Lui
Luigi Leoni
Software & DevOps Architect @ Sorint.lab
Knative allows on-premises IT departments and cloud providers to provide a common serverless development experience for web sites, stateless API services, and event processing. The best options for running a serverless framework inside Kubernetes.
Kubernetes per orchestrare i tuoi meravigliosi container
Nicola Benaglia
Java Developer & Kubernetes specialist @ Sorint.lab
I container sono comodi, affidabili, scalabili e sempre più diffusi. Ma quando si iniziano ad avere decine o centinaia di servizi dentro container sorge subito l'esigenza di un modo automatico e affidabile per coordinare, distribuire e gestire i container all'interno della propria infrastruttura. La risposta a tale esigenza sono gli orchestratori, fra cui spicca Kubernetes come progetto opensource di maggior successo e diffusione. Questa sessione tecnica avrà lo scopo di introdurre Kubernetes ed alcune sue caratteristiche.
Migrating big Enterprises to the AWS Cloud: The Enel case study
Alessandro Gambirasio
Solution Architect AWS @ Sorint.lab
By using AWS, Enel is saving 21 percent on compute costs and 60 percent on storage costs, has reduced provisioning time from four weeks to two days, and has transformed its business. Enel is an Italian multinational manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas that serves 61 million customers. Enel uses AWS as its platform for IoT and energy management.
"Others first" as guiding principle to leading innovation
Flavio Tassinari
Business Operation Leader @ Sorint.lab
To "innovate", it's not enough use enabling technologies, redesign applications architectures, integrate new IT infrastructures, rethinking new processes and workflows and finally acquire new tech-skills. But, we need to evolve culturally, which also implies a new approaches to leadership, in order to build agile teams and facilitate the interoperability between them.
Pattern Sagas to maintain data consistency in a microservices
Mohsen Ghalbi
Software Developer Expert @ Sorint.lab
It is hard to handle a business transaction that maintains data consistency across microservices. Mohsen shows how Eventuate solve that problem, and describes how to use it to develop business logic in a microservices application.
Python for automatic network traffic analysis
Miso Mijatovic
Security DevOps @ Sorint.lab
This talk has the purpose to give an introduction on how you can use Python language to perform tasks for network analysis. Many of our daily operations can be speeden up and automated using this powerful & beautiful language.
Red Hat and the Open Source: For IoT enabling modular and scalable solutions for the next business challenges
Luca Gabella
EMA BDM for IoT & Digital Trasformation Red Hat @ Sorint.lab
By leveraging the Open Source technologies and its innovative and collaborative approach, companies can lift up their ability to respond to their new business challenges such as Internet of Things (IoT). Combining with Red Hat expertise and capabilities, companies can leverage modular, scalable and secure architecture to deploy Industrial IoT projects and more generally building on their Digital Transformation Journey initiatives as companies such as Vorwerk, SBB or Lufthansa Technics did.
Refactoring to Microservices
Fabio Seregni
Software Architect @ Sorint.lab
There are strategies that you can use to escape from monolithic hell without having to rewrite your application from scratch. You incrementally convert your monolith into microservices by developing what’s known as a strangler application.
Service mesh: Decentralized interaction between Microservices
Giuseppe Iannelli
Linux System Engineer and CKA @ Sorint lab
Service Meshes are decentralized and self-organizing networks layer between microservice instances that handle load balancing, endpoint discovery, health checks, monitoring, and tracing. This allows developers to keep only the business login into applications.
Simplify automation processes
Rosario d'Orso
Senior Consultant @ Sorint.lab
How can we simplify our automation process? How can we make users autonomous to perform daily tasks such as restarting services, releases or even patching? One of the currently most used tools like the redhat ansible makes use of its Interface, the Tower! In this session we will see how to hook the tower to our LDAP and how to automatically create Organizations and teams so as to better organize security and the possibility of launching Jobs independently.
Supersonic, subatomic Java
Stefano Maestri
Principal Software Engineer and Manager @ Red Hat
Introducing Quarkus.io. The rise in popularity of the Linux container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java community. Furthermore, we have now seen a number developers at many organizations considering moving to Node.js or Golang to get the performance and tiny memory footprint they need to run in a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how you can optimize your enterprise Java apps, your APIs, your microservices, and your “serverless functions” for a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment-vastly smaller, vastly faster, and fundamentally more scalable.
The future of Open Source Cloud
Frank Karlitschek
Founder and Managing Director @ Nextcloud GmbH
(talk in english)
We are heading into a world were the files of most users are hosted by 4 big companies in the US. This is the case for most home users, companies but also education and research institutions. If we want to keep our sovereignty over our data, protect our privacy and prevent vendor lock-in then we need open source self hosted and federated alternatives. The internet and the web use a distributed and federated architecture. Now we have to make sure that cloud services follow the same model.
A new challenge is the increasing blending of application hosting and storage as seen at Office 365 and Google Suite. This has the danger to lead to a very strong vendor lock-in.
The future of open source cloud: this talk will discuss the ongoing trends in this areas and possible solutions. It will also give an overview of newest Nextcloud features and the long term roadmap to provide an alternative to centralized services. The future of open source cloud: The talk will also discuss the challenges and opportunities with building an open source based product, community and company.
Web 3D with Angular and three.js
Luca Morello
Senior Full Stack Developer @ Sorint.lab
We will experiment the 3D Javascript library “three.js” and its core features through the solid environment of Angular framework. All concepts will be shared with a live coding session. Prerequisites: knowledge base of Angular 2+ (components, services and modules).
Scrum: un valido framework AGILE per la gestione dei progetti moderni
Luigi Milione
Scrum Architect @ Sorint.lab
Gestire progetti dagli obiettivi e pianificazione non strettamente definite, sottoposti a continui cambiamenti in corso, dall'esito incerto, incentrati su persone e valore rilasciato, tramite un valido framework AGILE.
Download Innovation ha aderito al Manifesto per la Repubblica Digitale: cultura informatica e competenze digitali sono requisiti essenziali della cittadinanza.
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