Sessioni tecniche


Video conferenze

In più di 1.500 persone hanno partecipato alle 38 sessioni tecniche gratuite per approfondire, con professionisti di alto livello e influenti leader del settore (RedHat, Oracle, AWS, IBM), gli ultimi trend tecnologici, le nuove metodologie di sviluppo e le soluzioni in ambito Agile Methodologies, Cloud Native Programming, Microservices, Kubernetes, AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering, Container, CyberSecuirty, IoT, Open Source…

Refactoring to Microservices

Fabio Seregni
Software Architect @ Sorint lab

There are strategies that you can use to escape from monolithic hell without having to rewrite your application from scratch. You incrementally convert your monolith into microservices by developing what’s known as a strangler application.

Kubernetes per orchestrare i tuoi meravigliosi container

Nicola Benaglia
Java Developer & Kubernetes specialist @ Sorint lab

I container sono comodi, affidabili, scalabili e sempre più diffusi. Ma quando si iniziano ad avere decine o centinaia di servizi dentro container sorge subito l’esigenza di un modo automatico e affidabile per coordinare, distribuire e gestire i container all’interno della propria infrastruttura. La risposta a tale esigenza sono gli orchestratori, fra cui spicca Kubernetes come progetto opensource di maggior successo e diffusione. Questa sessione tecnica avrà lo scopo di introdurre Kubernetes ed alcune sue caratteristiche.

Functional Programming with JavaScript

Marco Bolis
Java Senior Developer @ Sorint lab

La Programmazione Funzionale è un paradigma di programmazione molto potente, molto di moda sulla scena internazionale. Fondato su solide basi matematiche, elaborate da eminenti circoli accademici, ha le carte in regola per suonare difficile e terribilmente noioso… in realtà permette di produrre codice testabile, di alta qualità, su cui è facile ragionare. Allora, cosa occorrerà mai per riuscire a districarcisi? Sarai sorpreso di sapere che ti basta un browser. E un editor di testo. E qualcuno che ti spieghi tutti quei bizzarri paroloni accademici. Sei pronto per provare?

Simplify automation processes

Rosario d’Orso
Senior Consultant @ Sorint lab

How can we simplify our automation process? How can we make users autonomous to perform daily tasks such as restarting services, releases or even patching? One of the currently most used tools like the redhat ansible makes use of its Interface, the Tower! In this session we will see how to hook the tower to our LDAP and how to automatically create Organizations and teams so as to better organize security and the possibility of launching Jobs independently.

Dev-Sec-Ops in Data Protection Environment

Juan De Pedro
Security Consultant @ Sorint.spain
Pablo Paños
Country Lead @ Sorint.spain

We will learn how to implement DevSecOps methodology for legacy software and infrastructures as Netbackup.

Proactive Database Managing Service

Simone Rota
Senior software developer @ Sorint lab
Raffaello Ferrari
Database Administrator @ Sorint lab
Fabio Zanchi
Database & Cloud Architect @ Sorint lab

How to deal with new Database requests and build an innovative and proactive services.

Introduction to Blockchain and wallet App design

Federico Gatti
Sergey Bondarenko
Software Engineer

Thanks to the cryptovalues and their success on the market, many experts have identified Blockchain technology as a very high potential that can be applied in many areas. One of the interesting factors is that these contexts can be very heterogeneous and cover different cases of our daily life. This session will present the functioning of the Blockchain technology, explaining its technical functioning and showing the various application aspects developed to date or under development.

Deep Learning Behind The Scenes: how TensorFlow works

Gianluca Gerard

TensorFlow is the leading open source framework for Deep Learning development and high performance numerical computation. In this workshop we are going to cover the concepts of TensorFlow graphs and sessions to get acquainted with the rather unusual computational paradigm of this library. We also intend to go through a real-life example of a TensorFlow model to understand some of the most commonly used facilities of the framework and to witness its power.

An introduction to Go

Simone Gotti
Open Source Software Engineer and Architect @ Sorint lab

A fast introduction to Go to explain why this language as gained great popularity among “cloud” developers and is used by many great projects (kubernetes, docker, stolon etc…). A little introduction on its syntax and features (goroutines, channels, scheduler, blocking async I/O), the stdlib and differences with other languages.

Stolon Cloud native postrgresql high availability

Simone Gotti
Open Source Software Engineer and Architect @ Sorint lab

A presentation on Stolon, how it works, its features and architecture with a demo of it running inside kubernetes.

Continuous Integration Delivery system on Container Infrastructure

Luigi Leoni
Software Architect & Sircle Leader @ Sorint lab

A presentation on CI/CD system using newest open source tools/software. How it works, its architecture and a demo on it.

Java 10 & Novità Moduli, performances, docker awareness

Luigi Leoni
Innovation Solution Architect Oracle

Java sta cambiando rapidamente ed in pochi mesi siamo passati dalla versione 8 alla 10 ed a settembre uscirà la 11. Cerchiamo di capire insieme, con poche slide e tanti esempi dal vivo, quale sia la direzione e quali siano le novità introdotte. In particolare vedremo come creare un “microservizio” in Java sfruttando il suo modulo nativo jdk.httpserver, come ottimizzarlo e renderlo modulare ed autoconsistente , come renderlo performante sia nei tempi di avvio che nell’occupazione e consumo di risorse e come inserirlo in un container docker regolando e limitando il consumo delle risorse di CPU e Ram ad esso dedicate. Come ultimo passo vedremo come compilare nativamente la classe (rendendola indipendente dal JRE) su sistemi Linux a 64bit.

Data Analysis with the Elastic stack

Miso Mijatovic
Security DevOps @ Sorint lab

Elasticsearch è cresciuto molto negli ultimi anni ed è utilizzato come motore di ricerca da un numero sempre maggiore di utenti. In questa sessione tecnica voglio mostrare come può essere utilizzato, insieme agli altri componenti dello stack Elastic, per fare analisi di dati e ricerca.

BaaS in the age of Faas

Tamas Piros
Developer Evangelist, EMEA Cloudinary

During the talk we’ll discuss the history of serverless as well as when and why should it be used. We’ll also show differences between BaaS and FaaS and do the transformation of an example application from locally hosted to be FaaS while still using some BaaS features.

FRIDA: Intro and live demo

Cesare Pizzi
Security Analyst @ Sorint lab

FRIDA is a Dynamic Instrumentation toolkit, built for developers, reversing and security research. It could be interesting to show how to use it for “dynamic” patching/debugging of apps with a specific focus on Android apps.


Pietro Sarlo
Solution Architect @ Sorint lab

Cosa nasconde il Cloud? Virtualizzazione, sistemi ibridi, scopriamolo insieme!!! What does Cloud hide? Virtualization, hybrid systems, let’s discover it together!

Apache Spark what why when

Massimo Schenone
Senior Consultant @ Sorint lab

“Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.” A parte la definizione del progetto Apache, Spark è una tecnologia che può valere la pena conoscere. Questo seminario esplora i problemi che Spark cerca di indirizzare (batch vs realtime workload), i concetti chiave dietro al framework e le scelte grazie alle quali è così efficiente. La demo di un’applicazione servirà da esempio per arrivare a una conoscenza base dello strumento.

Cloud mailboxes in different geographic locations

Denis Vilaça Signorelli
Exchange Server & Virtualization System Administrator

How about the possibility to decide where you should move your company’s mail data to different geographies in cloud? Until some days ago it was impossible for who used to have only one tenant, but now there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are going to show you how you can provide data compliance according your business necessity.

OTHERS FIRST as guiding principle to leading innovation

Flavio Tassinari
Business Operation Leader @ Sorint lab

To “innovate”, it’s not enough use enabling technologies, redesign applications architectures, integrate new IT infrastructures, rethinking new processes and workflows and finally acquire new tech-skills. But, we need to evolve culturally, which also implies a new approaches to leadership, in order to build agile teams and facilitate the interoperability between them.

Automation in Linux environment

Alessio Carmazzi
Senior Pre-Sales Systems Engineer @ Sorint lab

How many times have we done scripts to avoid repetitive tasks? how much it is was it sometimes necessary to revise configurations in record time on an incredible amount of systems? how many times did we not understand what was not working properly? From these questions came the desire to find the right way to automate, speed up without losing flexibility, the warranty of the operation and simplicity of debugging. We needed something more “smart”, more “agile” and maybe “opensource”…

Fully Automated datacenter

Giuseppe Mancuso
RHEL Engineer @ Sorint lab

Automazione di un datacenter usando prodotti opensource, dal provisioning al patching di sistemi Linux.

Python for automatic network traffic analysis

Miso Mijatovic
Security DevOps @ Sorint lab

This talk has the purpose to give an introduction on how you can use Python language to perform tasks for network analysis. Many of our daily operations can be speeden up and automated using this powerful & beautiful language.

Web 3D with Angular and three.js

Luca Morello
Senior Full Stack Developer @ Sorint lab

We will experiment the 3D Javascript library “three.js” and its core features through the solid environment of Angular framework. All concepts will be shared with a live coding session. Prerequisites: knowledge base of Angular 2+ (components, services and modules).

Enterprise applications in Angular 6

Fabrizio Rizzi
Frontend Developer @ Sorint lab
Manuele Dones
Software Engineer @ Sorint lab

Angular is one of the greatest framework used to create applications for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop. It’s the perfect tool for building enterprise applications since it includes a huge number of features just out-of-the-box. In this workshop we’re going to create a web app, publish and install a reusable library in order to share code and style among a collection of projects.

Automation and Public Cloud, lesson learned

Walter Traspadini
Solutions Architect @ Sorint lab

Best practices, lessons learned and use cases to deploy micro services and legacy applications in AWS with ansible and CI/CD.

Microservices An IoT platform

William Younang
Expert Data Scientist / Software Engineer @ Sorint lab

An Introduction to microservices and to the Internet of Things. Description of the IoT platform. Live Demo.