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Sun 8 Sep 13:00 - 14:00 SRE Room


Introducing Quarkus.io. The rise in popularity of the Linux container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java community. Furthermore, we have now seen a number developers at many organizations considering moving to Node.js or Golang to get the performance and tiny memory footprint they need to run in a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how you can optimize your enterprise Java apps, your APIs, your microservices, and your “serverless functions” for a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment-vastly smaller, vastly faster, and fundamentally more scalable.

Stefano Maestri | Principal Software Engineer and Associate Manager @RedHat

Principal Software Engineer and Associate Manager at RedHat with decades of experience developing distributed system in Java. My Job is currently focused on JEE server development and micro services My interests are wider and always oriented to new technologies like IoT, AI and blockchains. I'm leading JBoss IronJacamar (RedHat's JCA implementation) Active member and committer of various WildFly and JBEAP related projects.

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