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Outdoor games and activities on the lawn with mothertongue teachers using the English is Fun! methodology: games, songs, dancing, miming and manual activities.
Peter Anderson | Anderson House
Anderson House nasce dall’esperienza di Peter Anderson che insegna inglese a Bergamo dal 1978. La scuola, fondata nel 1996, offre oggi una varietà di servizi per l’apprendimento e la certificazione delle lingue. Propone corsi per bambini piccoli da 3 a 6 anni con English is Fun, corsi per bambini da 6 a 12 anni e per teenagers al pomeriggio. Corsi per universitari e adulti sia collettivi che individuali. Molti corsi sono in preparazione agli esami Cambridge, IELTS e TOEFL. Anderson House è il Centro CAMBRIDGE, TOEFL e IELTS per Bergamo. I docenti sono altamente qualificati con CELTA e DELTA e la scuola è associata ad AISLI, l’Associazione Italiana Scuole di Lingue di Qualità. Anderson House was founded by Peter Anderson in Bergamo in 1996. Peter has been teaching English since 1978. The school provides a variety of services in language teaching and certifications. Amongst the services on offer are courses for 3 to 6-year-olds with English is Fun, courses for children from 6 to 12 and teenagers in the afternoon. Courses for university students and adults both in groups and individually. Several courses are in preparation for Cambridge, IELTS and TOEFL exams. Anderson House is the Cambridge, IELTS and TOEFL Centre for the area. The AH teachers are highly qualified with CELTA or DELTA and the school is a member of AISLi, the Association of Quality Language Schools in Italy.
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