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There is a meme that says: “there is no cloud, just someone else’s computers”. Do you think this is true? Is this the cloud for you? We will explain our point of view on what the cloud is. More and more companies are planing or already doing their digital transformation, moving parts or all their infrastructure and services to the cloud. We will speak about the security implications of this movement.
A change is needed in the way we think about security: the perimeter does not exist any more, devices connecting to the infrastructure are not always owned by the company, don’t have access to the physical computers, and the most important thing, the companies may be leaving all their data and services on other company computer.
Let’s go through the differences that you must take into account when moving to the cloud from a security perspective depending if you are moving to a public or private cloud.
The speech will be in English.
Juan F. De Pedro Echeandía | Security Consultant
I have been playing around with computers for almost my whole life. Used to hide the games on our first PPC (Portable Personal computer, which was everything but portable) from my dad, because he said that computers were for working and not playing. I don't agree with his statement, and I believe that computers must be used for fun. I do not play games on them any more, but I do other kind of playing around with them. I have worked with them for quite a long time, on several different roles, and currently I am a security consultant, specialized on the defensive side of the security for endpoints and servers. I am currently investing my computer play time learning about Cloud, and the paradigm shift that it brings to the table, as companies make the move to this kind of infrastructure.
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