Bees and Communication
...and the winner is...
for the most original innovative project:
digitalaula - UpperCase
for the best implementation and realization of the project:
beelder - SSH-IMPATICI
A challenge of individual and team skills and creativity to try to win the final prize with the best idea.
48 hours of development.
Developers, UI and UX experts, machine learning experts, startuppers, data scientists, graphic designers, creatives and thinkers we are waiting for you!
Participants will have to develop innovative solutions on a specific theme and a jury will decide the winning team. A prize of € 5,000 to be divided among the winning projects in the categories best realization and most original idea.
Hackathon Theme 2020
Bees and Communication
Bees are one of the insects at the foundation of the earth’s ecosystem thanks to their ability to pollinate. They play a very important role in safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity and therefore allow us to taste 70% of all the vegetable and non-vegetable delicacies that we find on our tables.
They organize themselves in an hierarchical and autonomous way. It’s not only the queen that makes decisions but sometimes all the colony makes the decision together in a way that is still not completely known by man. That’s why we hear the term superorganism when talking about bees.
They all have their own function within the colony. For example, worker bees take on, based on their seniority, various tasks such as cleaning the hive, searching for nectar or pollen, feeding the larvae or defending the colony from external intruders.
Another peculiarity of bees is their unique way of communicating with each other by engaging in different dances. For example, to communicate the location of flowers they perform a dance and the other bees, with extreme precision, deduce the position from the orientation and duration of the dance.
During these unprecedented times we are facing many challenges and we have come to know all the limitations of the tools we are using to communicate.
Inspired by the natural and wonderful world of bees, for example their ability to be almost totally decentralized, or to communicate on many channels or to organize themselves autonomously, you are asked to create a project to reach and communicate with people.
The challenge is up to you!
Have fun!
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